I'm almost there, and so is the time. My AIESEC traineeship will end in a couple of days. The feeling of ending this period of my life grows stronger and stronger with each day passing by.
To look back I see smiles, way so many smiles ... I see hard times that I've done to myself with my own mind ... I smell happiness, pure and innocent one ... I see goals that have been reached and those that only have been started to move ... I see dreams coming reality and things that weren't even dream off getting shape in unexpected moments. It was good.
Now another time is coming around: to pack, look back once more and go.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
The end
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As my words looked too fluffy to me and expressing way too less from what I have felt and experienced, I've switched to posting a kind of photo blog. The stories behind them and the moments not captured in a picture are alive somewhere and there will be a time for them to be told.
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Dijkgraaf, Wageningen, the Netherlands
I was thinking for a long time to write about the place where I live: Wageningen and the corridor in Dijkgraaf and the previous Psychotel. In short words I like them: friendly dutch and internationals, lots of nature around, nice pubs.
My second house was on Kapelstraat 1 ... a house named Psychotel (don't ask me why :). If is it to look back there ... a "neata" with dutch accent in every morning, barbecue, dinners ...
The first and also the third place that became my house is Dijkgraaf, an 18 floors high hostel. Some of the things that crosses my mind about the corridor where I'm living: a Christmas dinner, watching movies, barbecue, walks on the Veluwe Park, dinners, smiles and jokes, long talks, lazy sunny days, trying my mouth in Dutch, people that became familiar faces to me. It's a good spot that kitchen and I really enjoy having you around.
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