.............Oerol .........................................Parkpop ....................................Lowlands
............. 15th - 24th June ..........................24th June ........................17th - 19th August
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
smells like teen spirit
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007
What's up, doc?
As I decided once again that being angry and complaining will end up like before, I took my lovely pinky to a hard walk into the sunset. Way up to Rhenen I manage to relax a little bit watching the fields under the cloudy sky going darker into the night.
Then, the moment of truth came. There I was firing up my feet up on the dike. A sudden smile aroused when I remembered the fluffy lambs and the very fast running sheep that I saw there on Sunday, or the small rabbits crossing my way a few months ago, or the ducks on a dark alley that scarred me in the middle of the night
And there it was, only a few meters in front of me, looking towards me. It can't be, my eyes are seeing things again. Hmm, it's really moving ... faster ... faster ... it was running the same speed as me. For a couple of minutes I was chasing a rabbit.
Be vely vely quiet. Sssst! I'm chasing wabbits!
To do list: biking gloves and a helmet.
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collecting footsteps
I am guilty. I cannot stop doing it: either I start it myself or just someone arises from nowhere and grabs me there.
I’ve collected footsteps of capitals and unknown cities, under my bike or a car, under trains or airplanes, under my own foot. There were hundreds and thousands of kilometers. There were tens of new people met. It's completely nothing compared to others; it's what others will never even dare to dream about.
Besides all is what remains inside. The water flows continuously. Within myself I’m challenged to new feelings, to build slowly, to were a new pair of eyes linked to the past views. I am hungry of more.
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Sunday, May 20, 2007
Points of view
Since I arrived in the Netherlands I was confronted with an issue: what makes me as a Romanian different from other people, what defines the Romanian way of viewing life. Excepting the traditions, language, way of snoring, there are some hidden things that you discover while you are in contact with peoples from other countries.
Recently, after a few talks with different peoples I realized the reasons for continuing my experience; mostly they are the good parts, but also there are the bad parts that once discovered makes me want to confront them.
I was reading the comments after the vote regarding the suspended president of Romania and there were 2 remarks that made me write this post:
If a parliament elected by us found that he was wrong, then there must be
something in it. I did not need to analyse their decision, I just trusted them. (source)
I support the president, because he stands alone against everybody. (source)
N.B. Those comments ARE NOT representative for the general romanian opinion. I just post them as they made me aware of a point of view from which I could make some light in my corners :)
The first one made me think about the importance of reviewing your past decisions.
I've read the second one having in mind a discussion about blindly supporting the one that is fighting alone without asking myself about the reasons that made him do that or the effect of his/her actions.
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Friday, May 11, 2007
the time has come
the further I step ahead the stronger it gets, both the sword and the daemon
it's a long, strange path ahead
more greener that it have ever been
deeper moment by moment
it doesn't have an end, only a story[...]Keep the beast in my nature under ceaseless attack[...]
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Wednesday, May 09, 2007
beauty of life
In the past few months, one song keeps on singing inside my head ... mostly for this :
So no one told your life was gonna be this way.... be it mostly that my mind comes out of a storm, or be it (not so often) when I feel really low and disappointed and "blah blah" ... a smile of wonder and joy sticks on my face; the happiness of the moments that I'm living and the amaze of how things turned out to be ... it's so funny weird ...
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Monday, May 07, 2007
I was reading last week some reactions after one of the greatest AIESEC conferences: ITC. Even though I wasn't there to live that experience, the conferences and other AIESEC activities that I've attended so far helped understand a big part of the enthusiasm and happiness present in the e-mails. One thought stick to my brain: sharing; sharing your life experience, your ideas, your vision, your view of everything.
As I read blogs pretty often, I recognized in sharing the biggest value of one.
I begun writing this blog as many friends asked me to tell them how is it like; after that different reasons made me write another and another post: the happiness of doing what I've done so far; or the lack of happiness, seeking for admiration from you, being proud of what I write about, just to make me happy; or the thought of writing some kind of a travel journal. Sometimes I put down only facts, other times only feelings in the way I could.
Now, above all reasons, I am aware that sharing an experience it's a big deal ... for real.
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Sunday, May 06, 2007
Avoid the war
Liberation Day (Dutch: Bevrijdingsdag) is celebrated each year on May 5 in the
Netherlands to mark the end of the German occupation during the Second World
Lucky me, the place where the treaty was signed is Wageningen, the city where I live ... so you can imagine that it was the center of the entire celebration.
For now I want to stop a little bit on the street theater that happened on the night of the 4th of May, the beginning of the celebration. It happened on 2 levels stage in a square in Wageningen, next to the hotel where the treaty was signed back in 1945.
A group of young people dressed in white were the ones acting. On the top level images were projected.
At the beginning it was a peaceful blue sky, lovely birds' songs, slow movements; all was full of harmony and peace and purity. The rhythm became more energetic: the struggle for staying alive, for reaching the lost moments of the wonder of living; strong noises of bombardiers, screams of a young woman, physical punishments of bodies dressed in white.
They put the entire feeling of a dark war into art; in my mind only one idea was present: stop the war; give the sky, the sounds, the life to the ones dressed in white.
It ended with the scene of finding back the peace after the war: music, confetti, the loved person ... but it looked so strange to me this celebration of the end of the war. It's the best attitude to be happy when it is over, but in the same time the memories of the bad things that happened were still alive; the happiness of life wasn't so pure as at the beginning.
Avoid the war; it will end some day, but the memory will be alive for ever, exactly as the memory of a happy moment stays in your mind...
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