I will begin with the 8th of October; when I'll find out why I'll let you know :)
Actually it started on the 6th of October. It was a rainy autumn afternoon on the streets of Utrecht. My first AIESEC conference abroad was finished. I had one wish (among other dreams…) for the coming week-end: go travel.
This was a dream of mine: put my special shoes on, get the sack on my back and walk where ever your eyes lead you. I saw people doing that on TV and that made me wanted it even more.
Now I am far away from home; now I am traveling. I DID IT.
So…it was rainy… it was Friday … some of my friends where next to me … my birthday was coming … hmmm “I’m coming with you to Tilburg.” “OK” … and I begun singing in the rain; I was living a dream. This was my present that I have made for myself (the first one).
Saturday was market day. You get to know so many things about a place and its people if you just go to the open-market; just observer them buying, selling and socializing, meeting friends, smiling to the one next to you. I have finally got to the open-market in the Nederlands after I have heard so many peoples speaking about it.
And there was something more to be added to complete the traveling feeling: sleeping on something else rather than a common bed. I’ve done it before for a couple of times, but this time was different because I was feeling like a traveler.
And it came…Sunday the 8th of October 2006... early in the morning… I wake up and take a short look at the clock: 08:10 on the 08.10.2006 :) … too early…go back to sleep. Around 9.00 I was arguing very hard with someone in my dream; I heard my phone ringing and I was sure it was a message from that person…but it was my boss wishing me a happy birthday. I cannot imagine how a huge smile rises up on my face; in fact this was the way I’ve been the entire day: with a huge smile inside of me, but not eating it entirely; a quarter of that smile was a said person…
Then, it was my family time: I’ve spoken to all of them and it was wonderful to hear all of them after so long time.
Have you watched Bob Sinclair, Love generation? If you want to know what I’ve experienced next look at the blond boy on the clip. Biking with a great friend in a wonderful sunny day…yeap, it’s really my birthday :). You want to add something special to it: add another great friend (that you felt so open-hearted to you in the previous day) and get a nice dinner in the town.

And the cherry from the top: a group hug when the clock tells you “You are 24 from now on”.
As an ending point the time to go back home came. I was looking to make another present to myself: on my way home, just get down in one station (Den Bosch or Utrecht) and go for 1-2 hours and enjoy the city, without any map or any knowledge of where I am…but I was really tired and my body refused me (but I still enjoy it :) ).
What was my second gift from myself? My smile.